Minor Pilgrimage (Umrah) Hadeeths

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “(The performance of) ‘Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed (between it and the previous one). And the reward of Hajj Mabrur (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing except Paradise.” Narrated Ibn Juraij: Ikrima bin Khalid asked Ibn ‘Umar about performing ‘Umrah before Hajj. Ibn ‘Umar replied, “There is no harm in it.” ‘Ikrima said, “Ibn ‘Umar also said, ‘The Prophet had performed ‘Umrah before performing Hajj.'”Narrated ‘Ikrima bin Khalid: “I asked Ibn ‘Umar the same (as above).”

Narrated Mujahid: Ursa bin AzZubair and I entered the Mosque (of the Prophet) and saw ‘Abdullah bin Umar sitting near the dwelling place of Aisha and some people were offering the Duha prayer. We asked him about their prayer and he replied that it was a heresy. He (Ursa) then asked him how many times the Prophet had performed ‘Umra. He replied, ‘Four times; one of them was in the month of Rajab.” We disliked to contradict him. Then we heard ‘Aisha, the Mother of faithful believers cleaning her teeth with Siwak in the dwelling place. ‘Ursa said, “O Mother! O Mother of the believers! Don’t you hear what Abu ‘Abdur Rahman is saying?” She said, “What does he say?” ‘Ursa said, “He says that Allah’s Apostle performed four ‘Umra and one of them was in the month of Rajab.” ‘Aisha said, “May Allah be merciful to Abu ‘Abdur Rahman! The Prophet did not perform any ‘Umrah except that he was with him, and he never performed any ‘Umrah in Rajab.”
Narrated ‘Ursa bin Az-Zubair: I asked ‘Aisha (whether the Prophet had performed ‘Umra in Rajab). She replied, “Allah’s Apostle never performed any ‘Umrah in Rajab.”

Narrated Qatada: I asked Anas how many times the Prophet had performed Umrah. He replied, “Four times. 1. Umrah of Hudaibiya in Dhi-l-Qa’da when the pagans hindered him; 2. ‘Umra in the following year in Dhi-l-Qa’da after the peace treaty with them (the pagans); 3. Umrah from Al-Jr’rana where he distributed the war booty.” I think he meant the booty (of the battle) of Hunain. I asked, “How many times did he perform Hajj?” He (Anas) replied, “Once. ”
Narrated Qatada: I asked Anas (about the Prophet’s Umrah) and he replied, “The Prophet performed Umrah when the pagans made him return, and Umrah of al-Hudaibiya (the next year), and another Umrah in Dhi-l-Qa’da, and another ‘Umrah in combination with his Hajj.”
Narrated Hammam: The Prophet performed four Umrah (three) in Dhi-l-Qa’da except the (one) ‘Umra which he performed with his Hajj: His ‘Umra from Al-hudaibiya, and the one of the following year, and the one from Al-Jr’rana where he distributed the booty (of the battle) of Hunain, and another ‘Umra with his Hajj.
Narrated Abu Ishaq: I asked Masruq, ‘Ata’ and Mujahid (about the Umrah of Allah’s Apostle). They said, “Allah’s Apostle had performed Umrah in Dhi-l-Qa’da before he performed Hajj.” I heard Al-Bara’ bin ‘Azib saying, “Allah’s Apostle had performed ‘Umrah in Dhi-l-Qa’da twice before he performed Hajj.”

Narrated Ata: I heard Ibn ‘Abbas saying, “Allah’s Apostle asked an Ansari woman (Ibn ‘Abbas named her but ‘Ata’ forgot her name), ‘What prevented you from performing Hajj with us?’ She replied, ‘We have a camel and the father of so-and-so and his son (i.e. her husband and her son) rode it and left one camel for us to use for irrigation.’ He said (to her), ‘Perform Umrah when Ramadan comes, for Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj (in reward),’ or said something similar.”

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Source: go-makkah.com

Going to Umrah in Ramadan

Ibn-i Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, narrates:
When Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, wanted to go to the Farewell Hajj (His last Hajj-Pilgrimage to Mecca), a woman said to her husband: “Send me, too, on the camel to Hajj with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.”
Her husband replied: “I don’t have a camel with me to give you for Hajj.”
The woman said: “Send me to Hajj on that male camel.”
The man said: “It is under protection to be used on the way of Allah.” And he went to the Prophet.
“My wife sent her salaam (greetings) and Allah’s mercy (As-Salam wa Rahmatullah). She wanted me to send her to Hajj with you. She said: ‘Send me to Hajj with the Messenger of Allah.’ And I said I didn’t have a camel with me to give her for Hajj.
But my wife said: ‘Send me to Hajj with that camel.’
And I replied: ‘That camel is under protection to be used on the way of Allah.’
Thereupon, the Prophet said: “If you send your wife to Hajj on that camel, then the camel will be on the way of Allah.”
The man said: “My wife wanted me to ask what the equivalent deed is to the Hajj with you.”
The Messenger of Allah replied: “Convey to your wife my salaam, Allah’s mercy and barakat/blessings and tell her that Umrah (the lesser pilgrimage performed in Mecca. Unlike hajj, ‘umrah can be performed throughout the year.) in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj with me.” (Abu Dawud, Manasik: 80; Muslim, Hajj: 221)
Umra in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj
Abdullah ibn-i Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, narrates:
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) told a woman from Ansar (The Believers in Madinah who helped and hosted the migrating Believers from Makkah):

Go to Umrah when the month of Ramadan comes. This is because the reward of Umrah performed in this month is equal to Hajj. (Nasai, Siyam: 6)

The Reward of Umrah in Ramadan
Ibn-i Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, narrates:
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

Whoever reaches makkah in the month of Ramadan and fasts and passes his/her night worshipping as much as he can, Allah writes for him/her the reward of a hundred thousand fasting of the month of Ramadan performed outside of Makkah and Allah bestows on him/her for each day and night the reward of freeing a slave.
For each day, He writes the reward of a horse’s attack against the enemy on the way of Allah. And He writes for day a hasana (good deed), and for night a hasana. (Ibn Majah, Manasik: 106.)

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