The Kaba the Sacred House of God

The Kaba is the sacred House of God situated in the middle of the Holy mosque in the city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. The black cube shaped box is familiar to people of all faiths due to the images that come out of Saudi Arabia every year at pilgrimage time. Usually when people see these images, their attention is focused on the black box being circled by hundreds if not thousands of worshippers. This box is the Kaba.
{God has made the Kaaba, the Sacred House, an asylum of security, Hajj, and ‘Umrah (pilgrimage) for mankind…} [Quran 5:97]
{جَعَلَ اللَّهُ الْكَعْبَةَ الْبَيْتَ الْحَرَامَ قِيَامًا لِّلنَّاسِ…} [المائدة:٩٧].
Transliteration: Jaala Allāhu Al-Kabata Al-Bayta Al-Ĥarāma Qiyāmāan Lilnnāsi …
The Kaba is the holiest site in Islam, and it is the qibla, the direction Muslims face when praying. It is called the Kaba because of its shape; cube in the Arabic language is [I]ka’b[/I]. Sometimes the Kaba is called Al Bait Al Atiq, or the emancipated house, Prophet Muhammad said that this name was used due to the fact that God has protected the Kaba from coming under the control of tyrants.
The Kaba is made from granite taken from the hills near Mecca, and stands 15 meters (49 feet) high, the sides measure 10.5 m (34′) by 12 m (39′). Today the Kaba is covered by a black silk cloth decorated with gold-embroidered calligraphy known as the kiswah.
On the southwest side of the Kaba is a semi-circular wall, this represents the border, or al hatim. Entrance to the Kaba is gained through a door, 2.13 metres of the ground, on the north-eastern wall. Inside, the floor is made from marble and the walls are clad with marble up to the halfway point between the floor and the ceiling.
Amongst the traditions of Prophet Muhammad we learn that his beloved wife Aisha asked about the wall and the door. She says, «I asked the Messenger of God about the wall and whether it was part of the House [the Kaba]. He said, ‘Yes.’ I asked, ‘So why is it not incorporated into the House?’ He said, ‘Your people ran out of money.’ I asked, ‘What about the door? Why is it high up?’ He said, ‘Your people did that so they could let in whomever they wanted and keep out whomever they wanted. If it were not for the fact that your people are still new [in Islam] and too close to their time of ignorance , and I am afraid that they would resent it, I would think of incorporating the wall into the House and bringing the door down to ground level.’»
Verses from the Quran are written on tablets inset in the marble and the upper part of the interior wall is clad with green cloth decorated with gold embroided verses. Lamps hang from a cross beam; there is also a small table for incense burners. Caretakers perfume the marble cladding with scented oil, the same oil used to anoint the Black Stone outside.
The Black Stone, an ancient sacred stone, is embedded in the eastern corner of the Kaba, one and a half meters above the ground. Prophet Muhammad said , «The black stone came down from paradise and it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam turned it black»
The scholars of Islam have differed on who built the Kaba. Some say that it was built by the angels. Others say the father of humankind, Adam built the Kaba but over many centuries it fell into disrepair and was lost in the mists of time, to be rebuilt by Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael. All agree that the Kaba was either built or rebuilt by Prophet Abraham.
{And (remember) when Abraham and (his son) Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House (the Kaba at Mecca), (saying), ‘Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knower’} [Quran 2:127]
{وَإِذْ يَرْفَعُ إِبْرَاهِيمُ الْقَوَاعِدَ مِنَ الْبَيْتِ وَإِسْمَاعِيلُ رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ} [البقرة:١٢٧].
Transliteration: Wa ‘Idh Yarfau ‘Ibrāhīmu Al-Qawāida Mina Al-Bayti Wa ‘Ismāīlu Rabbanā Taqabbal Minnā ‘Innaka ‘Anta As-Samīu Al-Alīmu
Since then the kaba has been rebuilt several times. By the Amalekites, the tribe of Jurham, Qusayy ibn Kilaab, the tribe of Quraish and several times after the advent of Islam. Shortly before prophet Muhammad’s mission began the Kaba was built from stones, without mortar and it was not much higher than the height of a man, people had stolen treasure from the Kaba so the Quraish decided to rebuild it and add a roof.
Each tribe collected building materials and worked cooperatively until it came time to replace the black stone. Because of the prestige involved with placing the stone arguments broke out. Abu Umaiyah ibn al Mughirah one of the most senior men said, “O Quraish come to an agreement over that which you are disputing. Let the first man who enters through the gate decide the matter for you”.
The first man, was Muhammad, at that time known as al amin (the trustworthy one). He suggested that they carry the black stone to its place in a cloak, each tribe holding an edge so that the prestige was distributed equally. The black stone reached the Kaba in this manner and Muhammad then placed the stone in its place The Kaba consists of four corners. Finally, it is important to understand that Muslims do not worship the kaba or the surroundings. It is simply the qibla, the direction in which Muslims face to pray, therefore it serves as a focal point.

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Umrah Plus to be launched soon

DAMMAM: The Umrah Plus program would be launched soon to allow foreign pilgrims .To visit some of the Kingdom’s most attractive cultural and religious landmarks.The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTNH) announced recently.
Abdul Aziz Al-Hussain, the SCTNH’s director general in Riyadh, said preparations are almost complete. Umrah companies are currently tying up partnerships with tour companies in the Kingdom.
Meanwhile, the Travel and Tourism Pioneers Forum was launched recently in Riyadh with 35 companies from around the world participating.
Nasser Al-Hamdi, Egypt’s ambassador to the Kingdom, said the country is prepared to receive Saudi tourists. About 430,000 tourists visited Egypt in 2013 and 2014, he said.
Prince Saif Al-Islam bin Abdul Aziz said the travel and tourism sector in the Kingdom has grown significantly.Now made up 5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. The plan is to ensure annual growth of 10 percent over the next five years, compared to 6 percent last year and 4 percent in 2014.

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Hajis saved from baggage check-in formalities

JEDDAH — Companies in charge of accommodation of pilgrims will also be made responsible for shipping their luggage to their destinations. Haj Minister Bandar Al-Hajjar has said:
“This is a new mechanism which has been initiated to facilitate swift and smooth departure of pilgrims,”. He said.
Under this mechanism pilgrims will go to the airport without any luggage. They will no longer have to wait at the counters to check-in their baggage.
The minister said the licensed accommodation companies in Makkah and Madinah will transport the luggage to the airport and complete the shipping procedures.
Concerning Zamzam water, which pilgrims are keen to take back home, the minister said it will be shipped onboard the aircraft flying back home after dropping pilgrims.
“Pilgrims will receive their quotas of the blessed water on their arrival in their home countries. They will no longer have to take Zamzam water with them as accompanying luggage when leaving the Kingdom after Haj,” he said.

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Purpose of life: Reason and revelation
What is the meaning and purpose of life?’ Throughout the ages, philosophers have considered it to be the most fundamental question. Scientists, historians, philosophers, writers, psychologists and the common man all wrestle with the question at some point in their lives.
Is the reason a sufficient guide?
Why do we eat? Why do we sleep? Why do we work? The answers we would get to these questions would be similar. I eat to live. I sleep to rest. I work to support myself and my family. But when it comes to what the purpose of life is, people are confused. We see their confusion by the type of answers we receive. Youths may say, “I live for fun and frolics.”
The middle-aged professional might say, “I live to save enough for a comfortable retirement.” The old man would probably say, “I’ve been asking why I’m here most of my life. If there’s a purpose, I don’t care anymore.” And perhaps the most common answer will be, “I really don’t know!”
How, then, do you discover the purpose of life? We basically have two options.
The first is to let ‘human reason’ — the celebrated achievement of the Enlightenment — guide us. After all, the Enlightenment gave us modern science based on careful observation of the natural world. But have post-Enlightenment philosophers figured it out? Camus described life as “absurd”; Sartre spoke of “anguish, abandonment, and despair.”
To these Existentialists, life has no meaning. Darwinians thought the meaning of life was to reproduce. Will Durant, capturing the predicament of postmodern man, wrote, “Faith and hope disappear; doubt and despair are the order of the day… it is not our homes and our treasuries that are empty, it is our ‘hearts’.”
When it comes to the meaning of life, even the wisest philosophers are just guessing. Will Durant, the most noted philosopher of the last century, and Dr. Hugh Moorhead, a philosophy professor at Northeastern Illinois University, both wrote separate books titled ‘The Meaning of Life.’ They wrote to the best-known philosophers, scientists, writers, politicians, and intellectuals of their time in the world, asking them, “What is the meaning of life?”
Then they published their responses. Some offered their best guesses, some admitted that they just made up a purpose for life, and others were honest enough to say they were clueless. In fact, a number of famous intellectuals asked the authors to write back and tell them if the purpose of life was discovered!
If the philosopher has no definitive answer, perhaps the answer can be found within the heart and mind that we ourselves possess. Have you ever looked at the open sky on a clear night?
You will see an incalculable number of stars. Look through a telescope and you will see gigantic spiral galaxies, beautiful nebula where new stars are being formed, the remnants of ancient supernova explosion created in a star’s final death throes, the magnificent rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter. Is it possible not to be moved by the sight of these countless stars in the night sky shining like diamond dust on a bed of black velvet? Multitudes of stars beyond stars, stretching back; becoming so dense that they appear to merge into delicate wisps of sparkling mist.
The grandeur humbles us, thrills us, inspires a craving for investigation, and calls for our contemplation. How did it come into being? How are we related to it, and what is our place in it? Can we hear the heavens “speak” to us?
“In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day, there are sure signs for all who are endowed with insight, who remember God when they stand, and when they sit, and when they lie down to sleep, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: ‘O our Lord, You have not created this without meaning and purpose. Limitless art You in Your glory’.” (Qur’an, 3:190-191)
When we read a book, we accept that an author exists. When we see a house, we accept that a builder exists. Both of these things were made with a purpose by those who made them. The design, order, and complexity of the universe, as well as the world around us, are evidence of the existence of supreme intelligence, a perfect designer. All the heavenly bodies are controlled by precise laws of physics.
Can there be laws without a lawmaker? Rocket scientist Dr. von Braun said: “The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by somebody.” Paul Davies, a professor of physics, concludes that man’s existence is not a mere quirk of fate. He states: “We are truly meant to be here.” And he says regarding the universe: “Through my scientific work, I have come to believe more and more strongly that the physical universe is put together with an ingenuity so astonishing that I cannot accept it merely as a brute fact. There must, it seems to me, be a deeper level of explanation.” The universe, the earth, and living things on the earth all give silent testimony to an intelligent, powerful Creator.
If we were made by a Creator, then surely that Creator must have had a reason, a purpose, in creating us. Thus, it is important that we seek to know God’s purpose for our existence.
After coming to the realization of this purpose, we can choose whether we want to live in harmony with it. But is it possible to know what is expected from our left to our own devices without any communication from the Creator? It is natural that God Himself would inform us of this purpose, especially if we are expected to fulfill it.
This brings us to the second option: The alternative to speculation about the meaning and purpose of life is a revelation. The easiest way to discover the purpose of an invention is to ask the inventor. To discover the purpose of your life, ask God.

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