50 things to do in Hajj

50 things to do in Hajj Always intend reward from Allah for everything you go through during Hajj

  1. Smile in other Muslims face
  2. Say Salam to strangers
  3. Shake someone’s hand and ask about their health
  4. Buy tea for someone
  5. Offer to get someone’s groceries
  6. Sit with a Hajj group from another country and ask about Islam in their village
  7. Carry someone’s bags for them
  8. Guide someone ill to the infirmary
  9. Shun vain talk
  10. Recite talbiyah loudly, encouraging others
  11. On the days of Eid, walk through the tents reciting talbiyah loudly reminding others
  12. Gather stones for people
  13. Offer to throw on behalf of unable Hajjis
  14. Guide people to the Jamarat
  15. Lower your gaze
  16. Remind people of the lives of the Sahaabah
  17. Read Qur’an with the Tafseer
  18. Do the authentic Dhikr of the morning and evening
  19. Make dua during your Sajdah
  20. Stand to the side of a gate and offer people water/tea as they leave
  21. Give major attention to shy people in your group
  22. Remind people of patience, why they came here, and the example of our Ulumaa’ in Hajj
  23. Explain a Hajj Khutbah you may have heard to those around you
  24. Explain the importance of purifying one’s actions for the sake of Allah
  25. Phone relatives (from Makkah) on Eid day
  26. Make dua for forgotten friends (and the author of this list)
  27. Don’t allow Muslims to fight during Hajj
  28. Help people find a place to sleep
  29. Remember – during the heat – the unending torment of hellfire
  30. Say ‘Laa ilaaha illa Allah, wahdahu laa sharika lah, lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd, wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in Qadeer’ 100x
  31. Say the dua of entering the market place when you go there
  32. Give charity to those who sell meager things (sandals/eggs)
  33. Attend the Halaqahs that are given in Mina
  34. Stay for the 13th of Dhul Hijjah
  35. Remind people to go home as better Muslims
  36. Forgive people that wrong you
  37. Talk to 10 different people from 10 different countries
  38. Compliment someone sincerely
  39. Visit the hospital and thank Allah for all that he has given you
  40. Take young Muslims and invite them to sit with the elders. Make them the center of attention.
  41. Give a Tafseer class after Salah / ask someone knowledgeable
  42. (For men) On the days of Eid, offer perfume to those around you
  43. Ask about the health of senior women in your group.  Make sure they are attended to.
  44. Focus hard on helping those immediately near you
  45. Take people to the slaughterhouse and help them / Or assist them in purchasing their slaughter coupons
  46. Remember specific blessings Allah has bestowed upon you and say Alhamdulillah
  47. Pray to Allah using his 99 most beautiful names (al Asmaa’ al Husna)
  48. Use a Miswak
  49. Fill your pockets with candies and give to the children that you meet
  50. Always intend reward from Allah for everything you go through during Hajj

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Source: islamicity.org

The benefits of fasting

The benefits of fasting from physical to emotional, mental and spiritual. Fasting is a natural cleanser and purification, not just from food but also from sin. Even the ancient Greeks recognized its benefits.

“Instead of using a medicine, better fast today,” said Plutarch, a Greek Moralist. Fasting has been around for centuries and was performed by the people of the past; its advantages are endless.

Physical Benefits:

Staying away from food for long hours cleanses the body and rests the digestive system. Dr. Razeen Mahroof, an anesthetist from Oxford, says about fasting, “A detoxification process also occurs because any toxins stored in the body’s fat are dissolved and removed from the body.” The body is purified from excess food and fat.

Fasting is a natural remedy, which helps to free up energy which can then be used more productively. It is estimated that after a heavy meal the body uses 65% of its available energy to digest that meal. So if you fast, you have energy that is freed up because there is no meal to digest. So the energy can then be used by the body to heal itself, to mend broken tissues and cells.

It also opens the way for healthier eating habits, if the suhoor and iftaar are in line with the Sunnah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to take a light suhoor and a light iftaar.

Though Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended taking suhoor and said that there is a blessing in the suhoor meal, he was not extravagant and did not fill his belly with a large feast.

He (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “The worst container a human being can fill is his stomach.” (Ibn Majah)

Mental and Emotional Benefits:

Fasting clears a person’s mind. The individual becomes less occupied with the vanities of this world and more concerned with the hereafter if the prophetic way of fasting is observed. During Ramadaan and any other voluntary fast, the individual spends time reading the Qur’an and their tongues are wet with the remembrance of Allah. Thus, attaining the pleasure of Allah becomes their primary goal and they forget the distractions of this world.

In addition, fasting has been proven to improve brain health. It helps with the homeostatic process of neuronal autophagy, and increases levels of BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), positively affecting the cognitive part of our brains. Furthermore, the risk of many diseases including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, brain trauma, depression, and ischemic strokes have all been shown to decrease with fasting.

Recent research has also found that after a few days of fasting there are higher levels of endorphins in the blood making the individual more alert and attentive, giving a sense of mental wellbeing.

Spiritual Benefits:

These benefits are too many to enumerate. Fasting helps the individual get closer to Allah, to earn the pleasure of Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Allah has said, “Fasting is for Me and I will give reward for it…”

This indicates that fasting is between the individual and Allah. Moreover Allah will reward the fasting person as much as He wishes, and however He wishes, and Allah’s rewards are infinite!

During the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, the gates of paradise are opened and the gates of hell are locked and the devils are chained. Allah makes it easier for us to come closer to Him, and simpler to earn good deeds.

Also, Allah admits into His mercy many of His slaves and saves them from the Hellfire.

An added bonus of fasting is that it will give us access to the gate of Paradise called Ar-Rayyan.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There is a gate in paradise called Ar-Rayyan, through which those who fast will enter on the Day of Judgement and no one besides them will enter it.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Fasting is a prophetic remedy for the body, mind, heart, and soul. It contains many benefits, some of which can be felt immediately and others which will be shown to us on the Day of Resurrection.

May Allah make us amongst those whom He admits to His Mercy, and those from whom He accepts their fasts, and those whom He admits to Paradise through the gate of Ar-Rayyan.

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Source: saudigazette.com.sa